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The mindset and general approach to establishing autonomy in your health goals. Physical health is more than the weight room, it’s the habits that drive us. By Derek Arellano
In the world of fitness, observing workout patterns has revealed a common trend: women tend to under lift, while men tend to over lift. This consistent observation has allowed us to support numerous individuals in reaching their fitness goals. In this article, we’ll delve into these gender-related lifting challenges and explore how our small group
Women Under Lift, Men Over Lift. Read More »
There are several benefits why you should join a program, instead of buying sessions. Why do we push programs so much? Seem a bit much especially in an industry with an “á la carte” vibe. We get it, pay for a package or pay for one price and come any day of the week, come
Join A Program, Instead of Buying Sessions Read More »
Here are 5 Reasons why having a COACH can make all the difference in achieving your goals… It has been a WHILE since you have made a stand for your personal health. You are finally making the positive steps to changing your help. You are eating better, moving more, now you have your sights set
5 Reasons Why You Want A Coach Read More »
Life is filled with mundane tasks that we’d rather not do, but let’s be honest, they’re often necessary for personal and professional growth. Embracing these challenges is key to becoming more adaptable and achieving success. How do we develop this adaptability? The best gateway drug known to man; exercise. Resistance training is a fantastic form
Exercise: The Gateway Drug Read More »
We’ve all seen them – the catchy headlines promising to reveal the secret to effortless weight loss, the easy trick to flawless skin, or the one weird trick to boost your energy levels. Don’t give into the hack, find the solution. It’s tempting to believe that we can achieve our health goals with a simple
Don’t Be A Hack – BE The Solution. Read More »
Tapping into the power of self-motivation is a never-ending process that requires constant effort and determination. Unfortunately, it’s also a journey filled with obstacles and roadblocks, one of which is the dreaded plateau. A plateau is a period of stagnation, where progress comes to a halt and it feels like nothing is happening, despite our
The Power of Self-Motivation Read More »
The saying “the only easy day was yesterday” serves as a reminder that there are no shortcuts in the journey to physical fitness and progress takes time, dedication, and hard work. This phrase has great impact on me, as I, like many others, have a tendency to look backwards instead of pushing forward. This often
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday Read More »
Let’s be honest: the last thing you want to do after a long day at work is go to the gym. But if you make it part of your routine, workouts wont take over your life and it won’t feel like a chore anymore. If you can find ways to incorporate exercise into your everyday
Workouts Shouldn’t Take Over Your Life Read More »