Life is filled with mundane tasks that we’d rather not do, but let’s be honest, they’re often necessary for personal and professional growth. Embracing these challenges is key to becoming more adaptable and achieving success. How do we develop this adaptability? The best gateway drug known to man; exercise.
Resistance training is a fantastic form of physical and mental training that helps us become more adaptable. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, states that resistance training is one of the most effective ways to achieve these benefits. By pushing ourselves to handle different training stressors, we’re building up our ability to adapt to various challenges in our lives. It is the performance enhancing drug everyone is after. Few put into practice enough to experience its residual effects across time.
The positive impact of exercise doesn’t stop there. By engaging in regular exercise like resistance training, and seeing the results of our hard work, we get a sense of achievement that can translate to other areas of our lives. It is the proof of delay gratification, the proof of your effort.
This is the GATEWAY.
In fact, studies show that regular exercise leads to a healthier lifestyle overall. People who exercise tend to eat healthier, smoke less, and make other positive choices for their well-being. This is a habit based approach to changing your life. People are not born healthy, their habits dictate their health. Exercise is a catalyst to developing other habits that best suite your potential.
By embracing this one controllable aspect of our lives, we create the momentum that fuels further self-improvement. Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes effort. Through the power of our training, we can develop the skills and mindset needed to tackle any challenge that comes our way.
So next time you face a task you don’t want to do, remember that it’s all part of the process. Embrace resistance training and other uncomfortable experiences and watch yourself become more adaptable and successful in all areas of your life.
Exercise, is THE gateway drug to success.